
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Update on Youth Kick Ball League

Last Saturday I met the city athletic association president for coffee to go over my proposal to add kick ball to the city youth athletic association. The meeting went well and he liked my proposal. The next step for it is to take my proposal (with me being the director) to the other top officials of the athletic association board. If they deny the proposal it is done and if they accept the proposal, then we move one more step forward and propose it the entire board (consisting of the other sport directors) for approval.

I will be meeting with the top officials sometime in February and then the entire board at the end of March.

The president explained to me how the city's youth sports board and programs work. It consists of all volunteers with the exception of a paid treasurer, publicist, and one other position. It's pretty neat that such a successful program is working with mostly all volunteers.

I'm pretty excited that my proposal has gotten this far, which is much further than I expected. The president said that often times adding a new sport doesn't happen as the person proposing it doesn't step up to the plate to move it ahead. In my case though, I am proposing that I will be the director of it, so I have a better chance at getting it added.


Mary said...

I can't believe you have time to do that!

Wolfpak5 said...

Good luck with your kickball presentations. When are you going to find time to head up this big project. Hope you get alot of help.