
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Caveman Returns

I picked up the little caveman from camp on Saturday. By Sunday evening I was ready to return him back to camp. He tried testing the waters to see if my parenting skills had lightened up any since he left home. To his dismay they have not, so he has settled back into the normal routine of things.

I unpacked his suitcase. He brought home one dirty pair of underwear, two pairs of dirty socks, three dirty t-shirts, one pair of dirty shorts, one pair of dirty long pants, one dirty sweat shirt, one dirty swim suit, and one dirty towel. Yippee!!! He brought home lots of dirty clothes!!! He refused to take a shower on his return. Claimed he'd taken a shower at camp and spent lots of time in the lake. The jury is still out on this one.

He won a camper's award. He won "The Golden Bobber". He won this for having a positive attitude and demonstrating the best sportsmanship during fishing. No one caught any fish, but he helped others hook their bait and showed some of the kids how to cast and reel.

He spent all of his camp store money. He told me "Mom, on Thursday I had $22.00 left in my camp store account, so I bought 2 more t-shirts, and some Skittles. Now I have 75 cents in my camp store account!"

He bought 3 t-shirts at camp. All three have the same design. 2 are burgundy and 1 is blue. Well, I did tell him it was his camp money to spend as he pleased.

I sent him with 3 disposable camera's. He lost one at camp. As we were leaving, one of his cabin mates came running up to us with the lost camera. Apparently, he found it at the beach. At least he took pictures this year.

We are happy to have him home. Even if it means fighting over the remote, the computer, how much dinner he should be eating, and picking up after himself.

1 comment:

Wolfpak5 said...

Can't wait to see his photos. Glad to hear that he had a great time at camp, but then he always does. Glad to hear that you have to do laundry!